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CD1495(SS1785) ; 544 Gamp; Laiaont psijiplileji 

1 / 14/69 

. 'I 


Paul,Hocli disegreee with my 1/1/69 interpretation and cites logical 
reasons. I disagree because of what “ have seen in the files and what i know from 
outside them. 

If there is any one nan not lacking for copies, he is Wesley Liebeler, 
who today is still loaded with microfilm, Towerd the end of the period before the 
Report went to press, each chapter war? the responsibility of assiigaed staf ’ memters. 
Svery staff member worlcing on the Report had a copy. In the event one ofethem 
noted the absence of this leaflet, or any copy of it, there was no problem getting 
it inside the eoamission offices - f-om the file clerk or the lawyer in charge, 

Liebeler knew ei:’ about the 544 address and Its sign! ft (fence. The tape 
Burton made of him 5/4/67 discloses this, in great detail, including the conrection 
of Ferrie with it. I'et ha left this out of tte Report and frlled to ceil Ferrie, 
saying on this tap© the decision was hia alone. 

Moreover, everyone on the staff of the Gomniscion new that the FBI 
had all the originas sent to ?^eshington. The easy way was to ask the FBI. 

With '■"Core a liason with the Commission, %rre certainly Irne'fl rhot if the 
3S had the pamphlet it could be obtained from the DC office. 

The 26 were largely assembled by those who worked on different parts 
of the case. Each knew Tfeat his prt had, vshat the relevant files contained, While 
there may have been some orerlapping, some underlnforsed people helping out, in 
any case I can imagine, each would hsve known his area expert, each wcs'ild have 
had no difficulty locating s copy locally. 

But if take Hoch*s one eusplolon, over the failure of the FBI to call 
beck on this, what does that indicate? That th^ ware ignoring the Commission? 

More likely that they had sogb thing they didn't want said, ^het is most likely 
about this? The carefully-hidden thing, that the FBI knew Oswald used the 
address 544 Csmp before the assaseination and conducted onJLy fake investigations 
of it afterward, knowing the significance of the cddreas, 

7iTei*e I to conjecture more, I*‘d asy the single member of the staff 
whose area was best known to others is I.lebelsr, who la the kind who I think would 
have seen to it. In any event, if he did that part, he !maw; and if ha didn't, 

?rtie»w«r did know to ask Liebeler, who could have produced the peraphlet pronto, 
Conaiatent with this is Devine’s othar??lse pointless refusal to supply a copy of the 
qulgley pamphlet, were it identical with the others, his initial fudging in hia 
responses to Hoch, I think v?hat Hoch has accomplished with ftevlse is quite slsii- 

Holms 1 channels, I believe^ would have been to ssi this of the FBI. 

It may be significant that the request was not msSa of the FBI. Again to con- 
jecture, the staff member making the request wanted to know if the 544 Camp St. 
address were there. If this were Liebeler, I would think so even more, for he certain- 
ly did know about that address. I cannot conceive of his being but ten blocks 
or so away and not being curious enoughito take a peek at the area about which 
he was taking testimony^'